

The maximum use of renewable energy is expected to promote decarbonization. For mainstreaming renewable energy utilization, discussions on ecosystem impacts and energy access are indispensable. This study aims to develop a spatially explicit renewable energy potential map and overlay it with various data to evaluate multifaceted effects. We have developed a potential map for 16 types of public solar power, residential solar power, offshore and onshore wind power, small-middle scale hydropower, geothermal power, and wood biomass utilization at 500 m resolutions. We have overlayed our energy potential map on 1) occurrence data of endangered bird species and 2) future energy demand estimated by future population distribution to demonstrate nexuses between Goal 15 biodiversity and Goal 7 energy. The endangered bird species were found on the mesh with higher renewable energy potential. The population with difficult energy access was estimated to be 37 to 78 % on different spatial scales. Our spatially explicit renewable energy potential map helps us identifying the nexuses between the multiple SDGs by interdisciplinary collaboration.
